Pretty good :)
But can you make a PAPER BALL :O because i sure can't :(
Pretty good :)
But can you make a PAPER BALL :O because i sure can't :(
you know what, I've never tried because it looks too hard. I've seen someone make one once, does that count? :)
I saw this earlier, but still makes me lllaaaff :)
but i thought you would be more perverted with the word snowballs :D LOL
it shoulda been a snowman jerkin off
2nd one was better :D
The gay part and the crying part were awesome :D
Thanks! :D
And i thought Newgrounds couldn't get any more gayer.. I was wrong.. dead wrong
Did you not SEE the boobs?
But that guy can't beat box, because.. SHUT UP!
Hyvä animaatio :D
Aika lyhyt, otitko mallia Cyanide and happinesistä?
En ottanu,mut näyttääks se siltä? voi paska. eli en teekkää kunnon animaatioo... yritän kehittää semmost omaa tyylii ja nyt ku sanoit ton ni nyt toi ei kelpaakkaa.... Nyt pitää muokkaa tota.... Mut hyvä ku sanoit.
EDIT: se on aika samallaine mut loppujen lopuks erilaine,vertaappa. Katoin sika kaua niit ja täytyy kyl vähä fiksaa tota tyylii ja sit saa olla. Sait mut epäröimää kyl :/
But maybe you should animate every frame and not just every other..
Yeah, that was only the first 18 frames or so, and the spy part.
Thanks for the review.
I still give it a 10, but the voice could be a little better :)
Yessss. I need a new microphone. 'Tis a common criticism. :P
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM
Joined on 8/8/09